- Foto:Hułyk Paulo,CC
Inaugurated in 1996, this woods have several facilities that reminds and promotes German’s traditions. The woods has 38 thousand square meter of native vegetation that belonged to Schaffer’s family farm. The replica of an ancient wooden church with neogotic details, built on 1933 in the region of bairro Seminário, has a concert hall called Bach’s Oratory.
Other attractions are the João and Maria’s track that tells the Grimm’s brothers story, a Children’s Library, The Philosopher’s Tower, a wooden structure that allows a panoramic view of the city, Serra do Mar mountains and the Germanic Poetry Square, with a reproduction of Mila’s House front, a German building from the beginning of the last century originally located downtown.
Rua Niccolo Paganini, esquina com Franz Schubert – Vista Alegre (Jardim Schaffer). Tel.: (41) 3568-1087
Opening hours:
Bosque – diariamente das 6h às 20h / Biblioteca – diariamente das 9h às 17h / Hora do Conto – Sábados, domingos e feriados às 11h, 14h e 16h.
Convencional Jardim Mercês/Guanabara (Trav. Nestor de Castro). Descer no Canal 4 – TV Iguaçu, a uma quadra do Bosque.
Interbairros II sentido Anti-Horário
Rua Barão do Serro Azul / Trav. Nestor de Castro / Rua do Rosário / Rua Duque de Caxias / Rua Inácio Lustosa / Rua Trajano Reis / Rua Des. Benvindo Valente / Rua Des. Hugo Simas / Rua Francisco Schaffer / Rua Niccolo Paganini.